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20.Telescope (a little bit of history)

  In 1608 Hans Lippershey, an eyeglass maker, submitted the first patent of telescope. But who made the first telescope, it is not clear. Later on, Galileo improved the design and started applying in Astronomy. This telescope had convex objective lens and concave eyepiece lens. In 1611 Kepler developed the design using convex lens in both objective and eyepiece and this design was more useful than the previous one developed by Galileo. Diagram of Galilean and Keplerian Telescope In 1655 Huygen was making powerful and enhanced Keplarian telescopes using compound eyepiece but those telescopes were proved inaccurate. In 1688 Isaac Newton built the first reflector telescope which consisted of a tiny flat diagonal mirror to reflect the incoming light on an eyepiece. Using achromatic lens, in 1733, Chester Moore Hall built a telescope. First Reflector Telescope built by Newton Diagram of Achromatic Lens When light of white color passes through a medium it splits into several colors. For ...

Formation of planets


Formation of planets:

Planets are really small compared to the size and mass of the stars. In our solar system 99 percent mass of the solar system is occupied by the sun and rest of the planets, comets, debris of the solar system have occupied only 1 percent mass of the solar system.

Planets form from the leftover gas and dust particles

Basically planets form from the leftover gas and dust particles after a star forms. It happens by gravitational pull. At first gas and dust gather and start to spin, it becomes a lump of gas like the planet Jupiter.

Jupiter the gas giant of our solar system

At this time the gas ball is so hot and the core is very much hot. Through the passage of time the gas ball cools down and slowly becomes a planet but the core remains extremely hot, the core of the planet earth is 5200 degree Celsius hot.

Layers of Earth's interior

From the heavy elements in earth such as, Iron, Copper, Gold etc. it can be said that they have come from a supernova nearby as comets that had formed from the debris of a supernova.


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